Welcome to my second e-portfolio assignment in Meteo 410, as I continue forecasting
for the WxChallenge. This is a national collegiate competition, where students make
daily forecasts for high and low temperatures, maximum two-minute
sustained wind speed and total liquid precipitation. With over
1,000 people enrolled, I now realize how hard it will be to finish near
the top.
I discovered in the first four weeks of the contest, for Jacksonville,
Florida and Casper, Wyoming, that weather forecasting is even more
difficult than I thought, as my mistakes were plentiful.
Unfortunately, my mistakes didn't stop there, as I moved forward
forecasting for the next two cities on the list: Green Bay, Wisconsin
and Quillayute, Washington. In this e-portfolio assignment, I
will identify a high temperature mistake I made in Green Bay on October 31 and a low temperature mistake in
Quillayute on November 12. Then, I'll provide some insight and analysis as to what I could
have done better, as well as the important lessons I learned.
First, I'll provide you with Green Bay's climatology which helps greatly when trying to predict the actuals.
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